Social Responsibility


We have established a sound and strictly implemented system of overall safety production responsibility and various safety management regulations. We strengthen the identification and management of hidden dangers and implement risk classification and control. Through emergency drills, rationalization proposals, safety special activities, training, and education, we continuously enhance the safety awareness of all employees. At the same time, we promote automation transformation to comprehensively improve the intrinsic safety level.

Environmental Protection

We conduct environmental impact assessments in accordance with the law and strictly implements environmental protection and pollution prevention measures. We regularly conduct environmental monitoring and emergency drills for environmental incidents, actively and effectively operate the environmental management system. We actively practice the concept of green environmental protection, continuously innovate and practice from management and technological perspectives, achieve energy conservation, emission reduction, and green production.

Sustainable Development

We adhere to legal and compliant operations, improves internal governance, and while creating economic value, we value maintaining healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders, employees, customers, and suppliers. We uphold the concept of green operations, continuously promote technological research and development and product innovation, and provide safe and high-quality products and services. We protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, actively fulfill social responsibilities, promote the harmonious development between the company and employees, society and nature, and work together with all parties to strive for a better life!